metaBio lab



FENS2022 Poster from metaBIO researchers!

Hi, this is the poster presented by Dr. Bruno Mota1 and Dr. Yujiang Wang2 at FENS2022 in Paris. Abstract: The mammalian cerebral cortex is probably one of the most complex structures ever studied by science. At first glance, any attempt to express its diversity, or significant features thereof, from universal principles, would seem doomed to failure. Indeed, there are many ways of comparing the morphological features of cerebral cortices. In what follows, working from first principles, we w...

Menção Honrosa para apresentação oral na 11a SIAC UFRJ!

Reconhecimento merecido! Com autoria da aluna de IC Christiane Coelho e sua co-supervisora Kamilla Souza (PCM-UFRJ), o trabalho “Análise morfológica e histológica de cetáceos coletados no Brasil” foi apresentado oralmente na 11a SIAc/UFRJ, onde recebeu o prêmio de menção honrosa. O trabalho se insere em um estudo comparativo sistemático de aspectos da morfologia cerebral entre cetáceos (baleias e golfinhos), com foco nas similaridades e diferenças morofológicas que podem ter ocorrido em enc...

OHBM2022 Poster and Supplementary Information from metaBIO researchers!

Hello, you probably got here from the QR code on our OHBM2022 poster. Welcome! If not, you are welcome too :D Short Abstract: In this work, we explored the limits of a Universal Cortical Folding Model by applying it to Congenital Pathologies, which was proposed by Mota & Herculano-Houzel in 2015. They provided a theory for cortical folding based on physical principles. Empirical evidence of this theory is found for more than 50 mammals is a power-law relation of cortical...

Dr. Rodrigo C. V. Coelho presents "Nutrients dispersion in bacterial swarms"

We are glad to inform our next open seminar at the Instituto de Física da UFRJ, room A327 on May 9th, 2022 at 3 pm. Dr. Rodrigo C. V. Coelho from the Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal will present the talk “Nutrients dispersion in bacterial swarms”. Efficient nutrient mixing is crucial for the survival of bacterial colonies and other living systems. This raises the question of whether the optimization of mixing through the emer...

Novo laboratório

Semana passada tivemos a oportunidade de nos reencontramos pessoalmente e conhecer as instalacoes do futuro novo laboratório no prédio novo do Insituto de Física na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Ansiosos por um retorno seguro para todos!

Comment on new preprint "Establishing a baseline for human cortical folding morphological variables

Our most recent preprint and in submission manuscript is one of the manuscripts from Fernanda Hansen P. de Moraes PhD Thesis. The full text is available in medRxiv. Here are some comments on it. In this manuscript, we aimed to solve issues regarding the model’s fundamental aspects to human applications. After being proved that: i) cortical folding follows a universal rule for mammals; ii) this universal rule is still valid for humans, and iii) even in smaller parts of the brain; we demonstra...

Comment on new preprint "Independent morphological variables correlate with Aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer’s Disease"

Our most recent preprint and in submission manuscript is one of the manuscripts from Fernanda Hansen P. de Moraes PhD Thesis. The full text is available in medRxiv. Here are some comments on it. In this manuscript, our goal was to suggest the recently proposed variable K as a new biomarker of brain structure. Our choice was to apply it in an Alzheimer’s Disease study. Alzheimer’s Disease has a particular, but not uncommon, type of brain plasticity: neurodegeneration. In neurodegenerative di...


SICB 2022 meeting - Kamilla Souza

Our PhD student, Kamilla Souza was in Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) meeting in 2022, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. She presented on Tuesday (04/01/2022) her entire work (poster P1-101): Multiparametric Comparative Analysis on Structure and Cellular Composition of Cetacean Brains. The next step is the presentation at the SICB+, the on-line version of this meeting, for those who couldn't be at SICB held in Phoenix, Az. Here is a brief video created by Heit...

Aspirante à cientista

Cria da zona oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e microempreendedora por acidente, me chamo Christiane e sou estudante no Centro Universitário Estadual da Zona Oeste, onde curso Ciências Biológicas. Atualmente sou aluna de iniciação científica do laboratório MetaBio (UFRJ), atuante em uma linha de pesquisa que estuda encéfalos de cetáceos, projeto de doutorado da doutoranda Kamilla Souza. Os cetáceos são animais que particularmente possuo uma grande admiração e curiosidade. A ideia de criar o...

Bem vindos ao nosso site

Bem vindos ao nosso site. Este é o post de inaurguração do blog! Estamos em festa! (fake news fiquem em casa e seguros, ainda estamos vivendo pandemia de Covid-19) O que vocês podem vir a encontrar por aqui: preview de artigos que vão sair ou discussão dos mesmos após publicação; posts sobre técnicas utilizadas pelos alunos e colaboradores do lab; posts sobre o dia-a-dia dos alunos e como é ser um cientista (no Brasil, ou onde a pessoa estiver); posts sobre o que der na telha do aut...